Follow the link below to buzzing exercise videos. Choose one appropriate to your level and practice with it. In your next session, choose something else that looks interesting. Eventually, you will build your own practice routine with your favorite practice videos.
♦ Focused Buzzing Exercises
Follow the link below to long tone exercise videos. Choose one appropriate to your level and practice with it. In your next session, choose something else that looks interesting. Eventually you will build your own practice routine with your favorite practice videos.
♦ Focused Long Tone Exercises
From memory, to be played both tongued and with legato tonguing in the following keys:
- Bass clef: Bb, C majors; Bb, C# minors (a twelfth)
E, Ab majors; F# minor (two octaves) - Treble clef: C, D majors; C, Eb minors (a twelfth)
F#, Bb majors; G# minor (two octaves)
Scales: in the above keys (minors in both harmonic and melodic forms)
Chromatic Scales:
- Bass clef: starting on G and Ab (two octaves)
- Treble clef: starting on A and Bb (two octaves)
Arpeggios: the common chords of the above keys for the ranges indicated
Dominant Seventh:
- Bass clef: in the key of C (two octaves)
- Treble clef: in the key of D (two octaves)
Diminished Seventh:
- Bass clef: starting on F (two octaves)
- Treble clef: starting on G (two octaves)
Exercises correspond to ABRSM Scales and Arpeggios page 9.