Congratulations on Beginning to Play an Instrument!

Start by learning about your instrument


  1. Check the Music Video Library meet with a mentor, and consult other resources on assembly, disassembly, and how to hold your instrument.
  2. Check the Music Video Library, meet with a mentor, and consult other resources on playing your first sounds.
  3. Check the Music Video Library, meet with a mentor, and consult other resources on how to maintain (clean, etc...) your instrument.
  4. Check the Music Video Library, meet with a mentor, and consult other resources on the basics of musical notation for beginning players. 
  5. Check the Music Video Library, meet with a mentor, and consult other resources for recommendations on acquiring a beginning-level book for your chosen instrument.  Work through the book until you can play your first scales and pieces.

Proceed to Session 2 after completing the above tasks.

Suggested resources:

  • Music Video Library
  • C4E Music Mentors in your Discipline
  • Music Faculty at your school
  • Local music teachers at music schools and teaching studios (often music stores will also have teaching studios)
  • Youtube Videos
  • WikiHow ex. (
  • Organization websites targeted toward your instrument ex. ( (search <your instrument> sites)

Visit the Video Library for more recommended practice and listening sessions:

Don’t forget to log your practice sessions!

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